Sydnie L. Mosley Dances (SLMDances) is a New York City-based contemporary dance company presenting works that involve audiences in the artistic process, provoke a visceral reaction to the physicality on stage, and incite conversation. Mosley’s emerging artistic voice reflects real life experiences with a particular interest in black cultures and women. Through dimensional compositions, specific, textured movement, and character development, choreographed works appeal to a sense of humanity.

The company situates itself amongst the Harlem arts community by creating and presenting dance uptown; partnering with other Harlem artists and businesses; and focusing community-based initiatives within Harlem.

PURPOSE Productions has served as a Visioning Partner for Sydnie L. Mosley Dances since facilitating the company’s Strategic Planning process from 2016-2017. Through this partnership, PURPOSE collaboratively manages institutional strategy and visioning, finances, and marketing along with supporting performance production and education programming.
From 2013-2016, PURPOSE also supported SLMDances with
  • Marketing Strategy Consultation,
  • E-mail Marketing,
  • Strategic Consultation around Social Media Profile Development on Facebook & Twitter,
  • and Tour Management.