Check us out in November’s Dance Magazine
I had a great time interviewing with Dance Magazine's Ryan P. Casey about PURPOSE's thriving practices, and offering tips for negotiating and naming your [...]
I had a great time interviewing with Dance Magazine's Ryan P. Casey about PURPOSE's thriving practices, and offering tips for negotiating and naming your [...]
We are creating cultural innovators and sustaining cultural legacies... no, actually we are cultivating the cultural innovators that will sustain our cultural legacies. A [...]
We're nearly one month away from our #bawse skills workshop! We've been sharing glimpses of the experience on the #PURPOSEgram - from quotes that [...]
My great aunt used to always say something like “If you want to see God laugh, make a plan.” While [...]
Can I just tell y'all how many letters I've had to write in the past two months? About how we can't live business as usual, [...]
IT HAPPENED. We trained a new PURPOSE-full team. Yes, it’s nearly two months later. Yes, it took that long for what we did to [...]
So it was suggested to me this Spring that folks would love to pick my brain...maybe even join me for a workshop or two. ASK [...]